CBOR Committee Sign-ups
The best way for a CBOR member to get involved is to start by joining a Committee. Members can join a Committee at any point throughout the year. Committee sign ups are accessible via the CBOR Member Portal.
Committees are absolutely FREE to join and amazing things have come from CBOR Committee participation throughout the years. Most notably, our annual fundraising events, like the Golf Tournament, Bowling Tournament, Young Professionals Network annual fundraiser, all benefit local non-profits and are a great way for agents to get to know one another.
Additionally, for those who like to enact change within the membership by influencing decisions on matters like local standard forms or educational seminars offered to our members, participating on a Committee such as Forms or Education/Orientation are great avenues for those interests.
Feedback from the membership indicates that when a member serves on a CBOR Committee and gets to know other agents, transactions that come about in their careers are much smoother when the agents already know one another!