Broker Tools | CBOR Involvement, Awards, & Elections


Disclaimer: The information below pertains to Primary/Secondary members only, those Brokers who only belong to CBOR's MLS (MLS-Only Members) and not to our Association should disregard this email.


CBOR encourages its members to get involved & stay involved as much or as little as their schedules allow!


CBOR relies on its volunteer leaders to pave the way for our Association's future and we have found that successful leaders are oftentimes encouraged by their Brokers & Office Managers to consider joining a Committee or even run for an elected position!


As a Broker, we encourage you to get familiar with CBOR's Committee sign up process, Election process, and Annual Awards nominations so you can best serve your agents & the Association.


CBOR Committee Sign-ups

The best way for a CBOR member to get involved is to start by joining a Committee. Members can join a Committee at any point throughout the year. Committee sign ups are accessible via the CBOR Member Portal.


Committees are absolutely FREE to join and amazing things have come from CBOR Committee participation throughout the years. Most notably, our annual fundraising events, like the Golf Tournament, Bowling Tournament, Young Professionals Network annual fundraiser, all benefit local non-profits and are a great way for agents to get to know one another.


Additionally, for those who like to enact change within the membership by influencing decisions on matters like local standard forms or educational seminars offered to our members, participating on a Committee such as Forms or Education/Orientation are great avenues for those interests.


Feedback from the membership indicates that when a member serves on a CBOR Committee and gets to know other agents, transactions that come about in their careers are much smoother when the agents already know one another!


How to Sign up for a CBOR Committee via the Member Portal:


CBOR Small Company Election

This election typically takes place annually in the Summer. Small Companies are those brokerages comprising less than 5% of the primary membership.


The CBOR CEO reaches out to all Small Company Designated Brokers each year to ask if they'd like to nominate anyone from their brokerage to the Small Company Elections for Board of Directors Small Company Representatives & MLS Committee Small Company Representatives.


Once the nomination period closes, an online election takes place among Small Company Brokers to elect members of the Small Company election to available positions. 


Did You Know? The CBOR Election Calendar is split into 2 elections each year: the Small Company Election & the General Election


CBOR General Election

This election typically takes place annually in the Fall. A specified nomination period allows for any & all primary/secondary members to submit a nomination for an individual to run for available positions.

Anyone who may have ran in the Small Company Elections earlier in the year for an MLS Committee or BOD position and not elected to those positions are encouraged run again in the General Election!

Once the nomination period concludes, CBOR posts the election slate in the weekly newsletter and sends out a notice to all primary/secondary members informing them of the upcoming election. Ballots are sent electronically to all primary/secondary members to cast their votes anonymously.

Once the voting period has ended, the Election Results are announced the following morning at CBOR's Annual Meeting event.


CBOR Elected Positions
The following leadership roles are elected positions each year with CBOR:

CBOR Leadership Team

  • President
  • President-Elect
  • Treasurer
  • MLS Chair
  • Immediate Past-President (automatic)


  • MLS Committee Member(s)
  • Board of Director(s)
  • Missouri REALTORSĀ® State Director(s)
  • Government Affairs Director
  • REDI Representative

CBOR Large Company Appointed Positions
Each year, there are certain positions requiring appointments by Large Company Brokers. Large companies are those brokerages comprising 5% or more of the CBOR primary membership:

  • MLS Committee
  • Board of Directors
  • Nominations Committee
  • Governing Docs Committee

CBOR Annual Awards

Annually, CBOR recognizes individuals who have made an impact in the real estate industry at the Installation Ceremony each December in the form of Annual Awards.

A notice is sent to the membership each Fall calling for Annual Awards Nominations, where members have the opportunity to highlight amazing things they know a CBOR member has accomplished in their career. Many times, Brokers nominate one (or more) of their agents for a particular award.

If you know of agents in your office who are deserving of a CBOR Award, encourage them to get involved with CBOR and nominate those individuals!
CBOR's Annual Awards presented at the ceremony are the following:

  • Denny Douglas Community Service Award
  • Joel Radman Award
  • REALTORĀ® Salesperson of the Year Award
  • REALTORĀ® of the Year Award

Did You Know?

CBOR sends Broker Memos to the Designated Broker of each office. If you have an office manager or Staff person you'd like to receive those informative memos, please email to add those individuals to those distribution lists.

Additionally, CBOR hosts quarterly Broker Meetings (sometimes more frequently if necessitated) where Brokers are provided relevant and important information to disseminate to their offices. Many times a special Broker Meeting is scheduled to discuss important MLS matters to assist the MLS Committee & Board of Directors in decision-making processes.

Simply put, reading Broker Memos and attending the Broker Meetings is the best way to stay informed as a Broker.

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